From Paris we traveled to Troyes -- which turned out not to be a particularly clever thing to do. The idea was not to drive too far the first day and go through Rheims and see a cathedral there Louise really wanted to check out. That part was clever.
The part we had no way of knowing was that the "Centre Ville" of Rheims was in the throes of major construction so the streets were impassable, there was no parking and streets our GPS wanted to send us down were closed.
So after driving around for awhile we decided to just head for Troyes ... found our hotel (finally) and our room (up four flights of stairs) and then (after a totally POURING rainstorm!) managed to find a bunch of locals to watch the first game the French played in the World Cup. (It was pretty much downhill from there for the French team, but that night a good time was being had by all!)
The next morning we headed to Dijon ... which turned out to be a DELIGHTFUL town where we wished we could have spent more time exploring.